Welcome to the scikit-shapes tutorial (Feb 2024)#
Below are notebooks illustrating the first functionnalities of scikit-shapes. Note that the examples have been produced with a development version of scikit-shapes and could be outdated. Please refer to the scikit-shapes documentation for up-to-date examples.
You can install the version that has been used to generate the examples with :
pip install skshapes@git+https://github.com/scikit-shapes/scikit-shapes@c485afdc15ee67eed04bc893862619b11f5ee65c
It should work on Linux and MacOS for Python 3.10 and 3.11.
To run the first example, you also need to download the data folder

The PolyData class: point cloud, wireframe and triangle meshes
The PolyData class: point cloud, wireframe and triangle meshes

The Multiscale class: representing a shape at different scales
The Multiscale class: representing a shape at different scales